Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

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At Hoole CE Primary School, we embrace the fact that every child is different, and therefore the educational needs of every child is different; this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

Our SEN/D Information Report and SEN/D Policy set out detailed information about the implementation of the government's policy for pupils with SEN and disabilities (SEN/D). It includes arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils/students with SEN and/or disabilities.  The four broad ‘areas of need’ with regard to SEN/D are:

  • Communication and Interaction,
  • Cognition and Learning,
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties, and
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs, Including Medical

We have an excellent team who are willing to listen and support you and your child. Miss Sprowson is Inclusion Leader and manages the team. If you wish to talk to someone about your child, please contact the School Office to arrange an appointment. For further information, please visit:


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