
We use School Gateway to send school newsletters, SMS text messages, invitations and regular updates via email. To download the School Gateway app to your mobile, please click here. You can also use the app to make payments for school lunches and some school trips. If you change your mobile phone number or email address, please notify the School Office so we can update your details.

Every Friday we produce the school newsletter – this is sent out by email to all parents/carers plus a copy is uploaded to the website. If you would like a paper copy, please contact the School Office

We will send out letters for news such as Parents Evenings, school trips, club applications etc. Please check your child's book bag regularly for these.

 For instant news, please subscribe to our Twitter feed @HooleCEPrimary, find us on Facebook @HooleCofE and subscribe to our Instgram, @hoolecofeprimary.



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