Let Your Light Shine As A Scientist

Vision Statement for Science


Hoole Scientists let their light shine brightly.


At Hoole, we recognise the importance of Science having a high profile in school in order to inspire and grow the next generation of scientists and engineers. This is reflected in our exciting and dynamic curriculum.

Our children are encouraged to engage with the Science curriculum through practical and memorable challenges to form a deeper understanding of the world by exploring, questioning and investigating. They will develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena in the world in which they live. Often, whole days are dedicated to Science, enabling immersion and engrossing learning opportunities. We use the varied, rich habitats in our school grounds to inspire and engage children, enabling them to link scientific knowledge and understanding with the real world.


We aim to nurture children’s curiosity through making use of our extensive grounds, inviting visitors into school, such as the Zoo, trips to museums and days out at High Schools to take part in chemistry challenges with a Harry Potter theme! We plan lessons that inspire, motivate and challenge.


Designing tests, carrying out investigations and collecting data teaches logical thinking and the importance of a methodical approach. Pupils are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation using correct scientific vocabulary and will draw conclusions based on outcomes. Testing theories and hypotheses promotes the development of critical thinking skills, enabling children to make links between ideas.


Through our Science curriculum, we aim to enable the children to become:

Enthusiastic, curious and independent thinkers through developing and feeding their curiosity about the world. They will learn how to think scientifically, using and selecting for purpose, different types of enquiry such as fair testing, observing over time, pattern seeking, research and identifying and classifying. Our children will be encouraged to challenge and question ideas and theories covered in the curriculum’s scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding, developing their critical thinking skills.


Motivated, reflective and resilient learners through developing their ability to evaluate the conclusions they have drawn from investigative work, for example, why only some plants grew taller in a dark cupboard than they did on a windowsill. What possible reasons could there be? Our children are encouraged to reflect on the reliability of data, thinking about what variables may have affected outcomes or other anomalies. They will learn the importance of suggesting and making changes to investigations and experiments in order to get more reliable data and results.


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