
Hoole Church of England Primary School believes in the educational benefits of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and internet access for pupils is an essential resource for learning. As a school, we recognise e-safety issues and plan accordingly to help ensure appropriate, effective and safe pupil use.

The curriculum requires pupils to learn how to locate, retrieve and exchange information using ICT. In delivering the curriculum, teachers plan to integrate the use of communications technology such as web-based resources, email and mobile learning. Computer skills are vital to access life-long learning and employment; indeed ICT is an essential life-skill these days.

Many young people and adults find that using the internet and mobile phones is a positive and creative part of their everyday life. Unfortunately, technologies can also be used negatively. It is essential that young people, school staff and parents & carers understand how cyberbullying is different from other forms of bullying, how it can affect people and how to respond and combat misuse. Promoting a culture of confident users will support innovation and safety.

Parents need to be aware of the potential dangers that are associated with online communications, social networking sites and mobile technologies to help ensure their children are not putting themselves at risk. Online communications, social networking and social media services are filtered in school but may be accessible from home.

Pupils should be encouraged to think about the ease of uploading personal information, the associated dangers and the difficulty of removing an inappropriate image or information once published. Please take some time to read the guides below and visit these helpful websites for more information.




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