Pupil Voice


Pupil Voice at Hoole


At Hoole, we are committed to listening to the voices of everyone in the school community. This includes children and young people, as well as parents/carers, governors and school staff.  

Children are the most important people in our school family. They can offer unique perspectives on issues, developments and experiences in our school.  

Pupil voice means listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children. At Hoole, we proactively seek to obtain pupil’s views, listen to them and place value on the feedback they provide.  

We work on the following principles for obtaining children’s views:  

  • Children and young people need to be provided with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes about their school;  
  • Pupils need to know that it is safe and that it is important for them to express their views;  
  • Children are assured that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.  

At Hoole, pupil voice enables staff, leaders and governors to evaluate, assess and reflect on the work of the school. 

Children are invited to express their opinions and contribute to decision making in a variety of different ways at Hoole. Some are shown below:  

  • Annual questionnaires relating to general school life in addition to subject or area specific evaluative surveys, such as relating to extra-curricular clubs or sports in school;  
  • Discussions with subject leaders to support the evaluation of learning in specific curriculum areas. In addition to observing lessons and reviewing children workbooks, subject leaders discuss their learning with pupils to evaluate what has contributed to success;  
  • Contribution to school work for external accreditations, such as the Learning Outside the Classroom award;  
  • Discussions and presentations with governors relating to initiatives, subject areas and general school developments;  
  • Strong pupil forums maintain open channels of communication and drive improvement in school. They also support the ongoing development and evaluation of actions taken in response to pupil feedback;  
  • Pupil evaluations on trips, activities or aspects of school life which helps senior and subject leaders to evaluate and reflect on impact;  
  • Democratic elections held to gain views on issues which have a wider impact across the school;  
  • Leadership roles such as Sports Ambassador, Ethos Ambassador, Science Leadership Team enable pupils to plan new initiatives, deliver and evaluate their impact.  
  • Worships in which whole school issues are discussed with pupil voice contributing to the shaping of possible solutions:  
  • Class worship sessions and whole group discussions;  
  • Pupil suggestions are welcomed at all times by staff at all levels with pupils confident to share their ideas with leaders and teachers;  
  • Encounters with local democratically elected representatives and active participation of the cluster intra-schools Pupil Forum, which was instigated by Hoole and has run for over two years, has provided a platform for pupils to share their views about local issues and plan action to address concerns.  

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