Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance Award Autumn 22.PNG Attendance Award Spring 23.PNG

Attendnace cert(1).png


Reporting Absence

When your child is ill
If your child is unwell it is essential that you inform us on the first day of illness by telephoning the School Office by 9am. Please state your child’s name, class and a specific reason for their absence. When a child is absent with no explanation, we instigate a first response process to establish their whereabouts and reason for non-attendance. This may be by SMS text message or phone call.


If your child will be absent for longer than a day, please update us on each day of the absence. 


If your child is absent due to sickness and diarrhoea bug, we ask that they not return for 48 hours following the last episode. If your child has had one instance of vomiting and parents or carers are confident that it is due to another reason rather than a sickness bug, such as tiredness, over-exertion or eating something unusual, children may be well enough to attend or return to school, and the 48 hour rule may not apply. We would however, urge parents to take a cautious approach in deciding if your child has a sickness bug.


As a school we have a duty of care to ensure that all children registered with us are kept safe. Pupils with hospital, dental or other medical appointments during school time should be brought to school unless their appointment is before 9:30am and must be collected by a Parent/Carer from the School Office. This must be confirmed in writing or on presentation of the appointment card. Children should be brought back to school after their appointment, as soon as possible. 


Medical Conditions: It is very important that the school knows about any diagnosed medical conditions your child may have such as eczema, asthma, allergies etc. Please complete a Medical Form which can be obtained from the School Office.


Emergency Contact: From time-to-time accidents occur or children become ill. It is important that the school has an address and telephone number where parents can be contacted in an emergency. Please inform the School Office if there is any change to your emergency contact details.


Leave of Absence/Holidays During TermTime
If you wish to apply for a leave of absence for your child, please ensure that you have referred to the Attendance Policy. Due to changes in legislation, only absence requests with exceptional circumstances will be granted. 

Please read Chesire West and Chester Council's Guidelines to Fixed Penalty Notices for Unauthorised Holidays for more information.

If Parents/Carers make the decision to go ahead and take their children out of school for a family holiday this will be documented as an Unauthorised Absence and fixed penalty fine may be issued.

Request For Time Out Of School Form must still be completed and returned to the School Office for the attention of the Headteacher.

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